Gail’s Bakery, get the bread to match your trip.

I probably love bread far more than is good for me and try to limit how much I eat these days.

I used to buy standard fair in plastic bags and would demolish them on a regular basis, these days I buy less and more selectively. Much as I love bread if the truth were told I think I’d rather buy one quality loaf a week than a number of not so good generic loaves.

A couple of years ago I discovered Gail’s Rosemary and Potato sourdough and this just took things to another level.

If you enjoy an occasional beans on toast breakfast at the weekend as we do in this house then this will lift something from being standard fare to gourmet levels. Something you should try if you get the opportunity.

Nowadays there are a number of Gail’s bakeries spread across the capital and there is ample opportunity to enjoy a breakfast or lunch there. Their coffee is pretty good too and they tend to have a great range of cakes and pastries including vegan and gluten free options.

This post probably sounds like an advert or paid space, I promise you it’s not, it’s all about recommending where I think you will truly enjoy the best London has to offer.

Click here to visit Gail’s website and get an idea of the menu and where your nearest bakery is.

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